An alternative source of energy, which is also referred to as renewable energy. Refers to any energy source that we can utilize without diminishing the environment’s natural resources. For several reasons, including lowering reliance on fossil fuels, mitigating climate change, enhancing energy security. Also, supporting sustainable development, experts from all over the world have been calling for the use of the alternative source of energy. Like many other nations, Nigeria has recognized the value of alternative energy sources and takes action to encourage their usage.
Prof. Eli Jidere Bala, Director-General/Chief Executive Officer (CEO), of the Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN) stated to The Nation Newspaper. That we can achieve Nigeria’s goal of accelerating economic growth at a rate between 11% & 13%; through the exploitation of alternative sources of energy. He added that utilizing an alternative source of energy is essential. Especially to the country’s goal of being one of the top 20 economies in the world by 2020. Solar, wind, biomass, hydropower, ocean wave, tidal, and geothermal are a few such alternative energy sources. They are crucial to Nigeria’s economic growth.

In the same vein, Mrs. Abimbola Fashola. The wife of the former Governor of Lagos State, asserted that due to their environmental friendliness. There has never been a better time to adopt alternative energy sources. She suggested that Nigeria should investigate the possibility of turning garbage into energy through the State Ministry of Environment. Where waste is used to create power in various markets. She claims that alternative energy sources are not only more affordable and healthier but also have access to raw resources.
According to Dr. Ogbonnya Onu, Minister of Science and Technology, the Federal Government is actively looking into an alternative source of energy. According to Onu, his ministry is promoting research and study innovations in wind energy, biomass energy, solar energy, and hydropower. This is so that the nation may utilize resources that will not be depleted over time. Also, he continued by saying that Nigeria needed to diversify its energy supply. Hence, he pointed out that one area in which the nation had a huge edge was renewable energy. Onu, said that the investigation of renewable energy cannot only produce jobs but also increase wealth and lessen poverty in rural regions.
Dr. Ayoade Adewopo also stated in a statement published by the PUNCH Newspaper. This was after he gave a lecture at a roundtable conference on “Sustainable Development for Nigeria: Factors militating against her progress and the way forward”. He maintained that one of the main causes of Nigeria’s economy’s failure to expand is insufficient power generation. This is due to the electricity problem harming local enterprises and impairing the livelihoods of peasant farmers, craftspeople, and market vendors. Meanwhile, these individuals ought to have been actively advancing the nation through their activities.
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He suggested that the Federal Government should de-regulate the energy industry. Also, provide the states with the freedom to produce and research any alternative source of energy. Which could be solar, wind, biomass, coal, hydro or gas, to aid their populations’ consumption on their terms and at their speed. Additionally, in Nigeria, experts have emphasised how renewable energy sources can satisfy the nation’s energy demands. While simultaneously fostering economic growth and minimising environmental effects.
Furthermore, by 2026, the annual worldwide demand for biofuels is expected to have reached 186 billion litres. This was according to the Director General, who spoke on behalf of the Deputy Director of NABDA, Dr Shakirat Ajenifuja-Solebo. By comparison, the demand for biofuels increased by 28%. Also, Abdullahi Mustapha, the Chief Executive Officer of the National Biotechnology Development Agency, spoke about the number of biofuels predicted to be consumed in 2030. Saying it is 45% made up of wastes, residues, and special crops that did not compete with food crops.
Hence, Mustapha pointed out that Nigeria may achieve self-sufficiency in the domain of alternative source of energy. Especially if it could sustainably utilise indigenous bioenergy capacity and relevant technologies like biotechnology. He continued by saying that this will reduce carbon emissions and improve the nation’s trash management.
More so, Dr Akinwumi Adesina, President of the African Development Bank (AfDB), expressed his viewpoint on The Cable. He urged Nigeria and other African nations to invest in alternative source of energy for growth. He also said that using alternative energy sources may aid in reducing poverty, enhancing energy security, and halting climate change. Massive expenditures should be on a variety of energy sources, such as gas, hydropower, and large-scale solar arrays. So, this will assist industrial mini-grids to concentrate electricity in industrial zones. It will also help to guarantee reliable baseload power for companies, and direct power preferentially to industries.
Anu Ogunro, on Business Day Nigeria has argued for the adoption of alternative energy sources like solar and wind power to address Nigeria’s energy demands. In contrast to conventional sources like oil and gas, he contends that solar and wind power are more ecologically benign and sustainable. Thus, He has demanded an improve in government assistance for the growth of alternative source of energy in the nation. Anu, also said that incentives and regulations that promote investment in renewable energy can help Nigerians innovate and build new employment. He thinks renewable energy technology can aid in bridging Nigeria’s energy access gap and lessen reliance on the national grid.
Final Note
The utilisation of alternative source of energy is becoming more crucial as the globe struggles to address issues. Such as climate change, energy security, and sustainable development. Experts in Nigeria are increasingly in agreement that spending on alternative energy sources can help promote innovation, provide employment opportunities. As well as expand access to power in both urban and rural regions.
To overcome the obstacles to the adoption of alternative energy sources. However, there are still many obstacles we need to address. Such obstacles include the need for greater research, funding, and government backing. Ultimately, we need a coordinated effort from decision-makers, industry leaders, and society as a whole to make the transition to a more sustainable and resilient energy system in Nigeria easier and possible.