Nigeria is the largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa, with abundant oil, gas, hydropower, and solar resources. It has the capacity to generate 12,522 MW of electricity from existing plants. So in this article, you’ll find out about the best source (s) of energy in Nigeria. It is also one of Africa’s most populous countries, with a growing demand for energy.
Moreover, not all energy is efficient, reliable, or sustainable. This energy includes everything from fossil fuels to renewable energy. In this article, we investigated the best energy source in Nigeria. Also, we identified the best energy source that can meet the country’s energy needs.

Source of Energy in Nigeria
Energy is regarded as a country’s most valuable resource. It is common knowledge that a country’s high rate of industrial growth is a function of the amount of energy available in that country and the extent to which that energy is utilized. The following are Nigeria’s energy sources:
1. Oil and Gas
Nigeria is Africa’s largest producer of oil and gas. The country has the continent’s largest oil and gas reserves, accounting for more than 80% of its export revenue. For decades, oil and gas have been the backbone of the Nigerian economy. However, they have not been the most efficient or dependable source of energy for Nigerians.
The government subsidizes gasoline prices, resulting in fuel scarcity and long lines at gas stations. Furthermore, Nigeria’s gas supply infrastructure is inadequate, resulting in flaring and gas waste.
2. Hydro Power
Another source of energy in Nigeria is hydropower. The country has a number of hydroelectric dams, including the Kainji Dam and the Shiroro Dam. These dams produce electricity, which is fed into the national grid. However, several factors have hampered the efficiency and reliability of hydroelectric dams, including poor maintenance, insufficient funding, and low water levels in the dams.
3. Renewable Energy
The Renewable energy has gained global attention in recent years as a sustainable and reliable source of energy. Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and biomass are abundant in Nigeria. The country has high levels of solar radiation, making it an ideal location for solar energy production. Furthermore, the country has a significant potential for wind energy production, particularly in the north. Furthermore, Nigeria has a large number of biomass resources that converts into energy.
The Nigerian government recognizes the importance of renewable energy and has made efforts to increase its use. In 2015, the government unveiled the National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policy, with the goal of increasing the share of renewable energy in the country’s energy mix.
Also, the government has implemented several initiatives, such as the Solar Power Naija Project, which aims to provide electricity to rural communities through solar energy.
Find out about: The Alternative sources of energy
Benefits of Source of Energy in Nigeria
The adoption of renewable energy sources will not only provide access to electricity but also create jobs and improve the quality of life for Nigerians. Below are some of the benefits of the source of energy in Nigeria;
1. Job Creation
The oil and gas industry are a significant employer in Nigeria, providing direct and indirect employment opportunities. This industry has offered numerous job opportunities in fields such as engineering, catering, and public health.
2. Revenue Generation
The revenue generated from oil and gas exports contributes significantly to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Helping to finance government programs and infrastructure development.
3. Fuel for Transportation
Oil and gas are the primary fuels for transportation in Nigeria, powering cars, buses, and trucks. Thus, the fuels we use for transporting our vehicles are from a source of energy, fuels such as diesel.
4. Renewable Energy
Hydropower is a renewable source of energy. Moreover, the energy generated does not produce greenhouse gas emissions, making it environmentally friendly. So, renewable energy is the best source of energy because they are from a reliable source.
5. Low Operational Costs
Once the hydroelectric dams are constructed, the operational costs are relatively low, making it a cost-effective source of energy.
6. Reliable and Sustainable Energy Source
Hydropower is a reliable source of energy, as long as there is a steady supply of water to the dams. Also, the solar energy which is gotten directly from the sun is another reliable source of energy. So, we utilize this energy to power residential and commercial buildings. Renewable energy is a sustainable source of energy that does not deplete natural resources.
8. Rural Electrification
W use renewable energy sources such as solar and biomass to provide electricity to rural areas that are not connected to the national grid.
Read about: The Solar Bill in Nigeria
Best Source (s) of Energy in Nigeria
Nigeria is a country blessed with an abundance of natural resources, including various sources of energy. The energy resources in Nigeria is broadly categorized into two: non-renewable and renewable.
Non-Renewable Energy Sources
1. Oil: Nigeria is the largest oil producer in Africa and the 12th largest oil producer in the world, with an estimated reserve of over 37 billion barrels. Oil is the primary source of energy in Nigeria, accounting for over 80% of the country’s export revenue.
2. Natural Gas: Nigeria has the ninth-largest natural gas reserves in the world, with an estimated reserve of over 202 trillion cubic feet. We use Natural gas for power generation, domestic and industrial use, and as feedstock for the petrochemical industry.
3. Coal: Nigeria has a coal reserve of over 2 billion metric tons, but it is largely untapped. So, we use coal to generate electricity, heat buildings, and for industrial purposes.
Some Renewable Energy Sources
1. Hydro Power: Nigeria has several dams that can generate hydroelectric power. Hydropower is a renewable source of energy that does not produce greenhouse gas emissions.
2. Solar Power: Nigeria is located in a region with abundant sunlight, making solar energy a viable source of energy. We use solar power to off-grid and on-grid electricity generation and for heating water.
3. Wind Power: Nigeria’s coastal regions have the potential for wind energy development. For electricity generation, we use wind power.
4. Biomass: Nigeria has several biomass resources that converts into energy, such as agricultural waste, wood, animal waste, municipal solid waste, and industrial waste.
While non-renewable energy sources such as oil and gas have been the primary sources of energy in Nigeria, the country is recognizing the importance of renewable energy as a sustainable and reliable source of energy
While Nigeria has several sources of energy, It is good to know that renewable energy is the best source of energy for the country. Additionally, it is sustainable, reliable, and has the potential to provide electricity to all Nigerians, especially those in rural areas.