The Sun is a fantastic energy source. Electricity production is ideal because it is abundant, easily accessible, and free. With recent technological advancements, it is now possible to generate electricity from solar energy using photovoltaic systems (PV) and distribute it to the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. The cheapest way to store solar energy will depend on which sector you find yourself.
The power generated by the sun is less expensive, cleaner, and completely renewable. As the installations become more efficient each year, they can now generate far more energy than in previous years.
Even the most fervent supporters of solar energy must admit that solar panels have two significant flaws: they only produce electricity when the sun shines, and they cannot store energy for later use. So, will solar panels be useless on cloudy or winter days when their efficiency is visibly reduced? This is where the storage of solar energy comes in.

What is Solar Energy Storage?
Solar energy storage is the method by which we generate electricity using solar panels, stored within the device, and then we consume when we need the energy.
The amount of energy you can store is equivalent to the type of storage system and its energy capacity, which is the amount of energy it can hold at any given time. A typical solar battery has a capacity of about 10 kWh, but there are batteries that can store up to 13.5 kWh.
Thermal or hydro storage systems can store far more energy internally, but they are also far more complicated and expensive to construct. The cheapest way to store solar energy usually depends on how you intend to use the solar energy.
Also see other ways to store solar energy
Why is Having an Energy Storage System So Important?
Solar panels, as they are, have some limitations. The main disadvantage is that the panels can only produce energy when you expose them to sunlight. So, in cloudy weather or during the winter, when it gets dark quickly, the efficiency of solar panels naturally decreases. On the other hand, on sunny days, solar panels frequently produce far more energy than you need – but this power might waste because panels cannot store it.
Solar energy storage systems, on the other hand, can solve those issues by collecting excess electricity, storing it, and then allowing businesses to use it whenever they need it. Solar panels with storage devices are gaining popularity as a backup energy source in the event of a power outage.
There are various types of solar energy storage. If you just intend to use solar energy for a couple of hours, then you should choose the cheapest way to store solar energy.
What are The Main Types of Solar Energy Storage?
Choosing the best method of storing the energy generated by the panels may be a little difficult due to the variety of different types of energy storage now available. Here are the different types of solar energy storage and their main characteristics.
1. Solar batteries
These batteries are now one of the most common devices for storing solar energy, owing in large part to how much less expensive they have become in recent years. They are also one of the simplest ways to have a backup power source when the panels do not produce enough energy.
Solar batteries might be the cheapest way to store solar energy. However, the main issue with all available battery technology types is that their lifespan is the shortest of all available storage systems. You can find out everything you need to know about solar batteries here.
2. Thermal storage system
A thermal storage system is the second option. Thermal energy storage collects heat with a fluid or solid material and stores it in an insulated tank until we need the energy. We can convert the heat into superheated steam, which can use to power turbines and generate electricity. You can find out more about thermal storage here.
3. Pumped-Storage Hydropower
When energy demand is low, we use electrical energy to pump water uphill into a reservoir, and when demand is high, the water flows back downhill and turn a turbine to generate electricity. For decades, the water can then cycle between the upper and lower reservoirs.
Read also: Advantages of Solar Energy
So Which is The Cheapest Way to Store Solar Energy?
If you’re balancing loads for a few minutes or hours, batteries are the most cost-effective option. But if you need large amounts of storage to cover days and seasons, then the cheapest way to store solar energy is Pumped Hydro.
The main point you’d like to take note of is that energy storage technology is advancing so quickly. The cheapest way to store solar energy depends on what you believe and what you’re doing with the energy. The actual answer might be different in a year. Batteries are promising, but they are not the only ones.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I store solar energy?
You store solar energy in a variety of ways, including batteries, a solar generator, or a thermal storage system. Solar energy is also stored using a flywheel or compressed air.
2. What are the advantages of solar energy storage?
There are several advantages to storing solar energy, including lower electricity bills and the ability to use it when the sun isn’t shining.
3. What are some of the disadvantages of solar energy storage?
One of the major disadvantages of storing solar energy is the cost. Furthermore, solar energy storage systems can take up a lot of room.
4. Is it expensive to store solar energy?
Solar storage systems range in price from $25,000 to $35,000, depending on the power output of the battery.
5. What exactly is a solar generator?
A solar generator is an electrical device that converts solar energy. They enable you to store solar energy for use when the sun isn’t shining.
The sun provides an infinite supply of clean energy, and with solar panel systems becoming more efficient all the time, harnessing it is no longer a challenge. Unless you have a solar storage system, storing the gathered solar energy can be a bit more difficult. The cheapest way to store solar energy for you depends on your location and objective.