Ever wondered what solar energy products were? Or how they worked? This article will enlighten you about the types of solar energy products and how you can use them to save money on electricity.
Solar energy products have changed how we think about energy production and consumption. So far, since their invention, they have proved to be efficient and cost-saving. Among these solar products are solar panels, flashlights, solar water heaters, solar chargers, and even solar-powered streetlights.
They offer energy solutions for homes, businesses, and communities, enabling them to generate electricity without relying on fossil fuels. So, let’s see what types of solar energy products we have in Nigeria.

Solar Energy Products
The solar products below are essential for your home and office. They help you run your household and business more efficiently and they include:
1. Solar Flashlight
This is a solar gadget powered by built-in solar panels. The gadgets get energy from the sun and are stored in rechargeable batteries. When compared to incandescent light bulbs, solar flashlight consumes less energy. They provide several hours of illumination on objects up to 50 meters away after being charged during the day.
Some solar flashlight models include a hand crank dynamo for charging at night, which can be manually recharged. They can be used in remote areas where there is no other source of electricity than solar power. This solar flashlight can help people feel safer living in their homes at night in countries where there is no power supply. They also give children the opportunity to study at night when there is no sunset.
A solar flashlight’s light output and run time are determined by the amount of energy. It absorbs in a day, and it may not function properly if not properly charged in the sun.
See also: https://blog.fizzlepowertech.com/types-of-solar-energy-products/
Read about: Solar Energy in Nigeria
2. Solar Portable Smartphone Charger
This solar product charges cell phone batteries with solar panels. The chargers come in a variety of shapes and configurations. Including folding straps with solar cells on the outer surface, and a rechargeable battery inside.
We use these smartphone chargers to charge cell phones when there is no power. Some of these chargers have an internal rechargeable battery that charges using sunlight. Also, the charged battery is used to charge cell phones when there is no power.
Solar phone chargers also charge other rechargeable devices with the same requirements as a mobile phone, such as Bluetooth headsets and music players. Moreover, you can install some of these cell phone chargers in streets, and parks. Additionally, you can place it in public places for charging mobile phones.
Phone charge times vary depending on the size and efficiency of the solar panel, as well as the battery capacity of models with batteries, which further extends the charge times of solar chargers.
Instead of using the internal battery, you can use solar chargers to charge your phone directly, but some of these chargers can damage a phone if the output is not well-controlled.
See also: https://blog.fizzlepowertech.com/solar-energy-in-nigeria/
3. Solar Powered Outdoor Lights
This solar product is simple to install and requires little to no maintenance. You can find outdoor solar lighting in modern and popular homes as pathway light sets, wall-mounted lamps, security lights, swimming pools, and freestanding lamp posts. Solar-powered outdoor lights use electricity in batteries that we generate by converting sunlight to electricity using solar cells.
This type of solar does not work well in any environment that does not provide the recommended amount of sunlight. It works perfectly for a long time when exposed to direct sunlight and for fewer hours when cited in a location with less sunlight.
Before installing solar lighting systems, you should check to see if replacement bulbs are available.
4. Outdoor Motion Sensor Lights
Your home is completely secure with outdoor motion sensor lights. This solar product charges using sunlight rather than the local power supply. The lights feature motion sensor activation, which turns on automatically when the light detects movement and turns off when there are no movement.
Benefits of Outdoor motion sensor lights
- Cost-effective
- Energy efficiency
- Eco friendly
- Safety
- Longer lifespan
- They give a sense of security
- They Provide light when you need it most
- They are easy and free to operate and do not require any form of electrical power supply
- They reduce your energy bills and help reduce your carbon footprint.
5. Solar Power Inverter
This solar product is a converter that changes electricity captured from the sun from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC). A local, off-grid electrical network uses this.
Solar power inverters come in various types, including string inverters, microinverters, and power optimizers. String inverters are the most common type and are typically used in larger solar power systems. They convert the DC electricity from multiple solar panels connected in series into AC electricity that is fed into the electrical grid or used to power appliances and other devices.
Microinverters, on the other hand, you can install smaller inverters on each solar panel. They convert the DC electricity from each panel directly into AC electricity, making them more efficient and easier to install than string inverters.
Microinverters are particularly useful when you partially shade or orient the panels in different directions, as they can maximize the output of each panel independently.
Power optimizers are similar to micro inverters. We can install them on each panel and allow each forum to operate at its maximum efficiency. However, unlike microinverters, they do not convert DC to AC directly. Instead, they optimize the DC electricity output of each panel before sending it to a string inverter, which converts it to AC electricity.
6. Solar Water Heater
This system uses the energy from the sun to heat water for residential or commercial use. It works by capturing the heat from the sun and transferring it to a fluid which we use to heat water.
Active solar water heaters use a pump or other mechanical means to circulate water through the system. They can be more efficient than passive systems and can work well in areas with low solar radiation. Solar water heaters have two types of circulation systems: direct circulation systems and indirect circulation systems.
Direct circulation systems circulate water directly through the solar collector and into the storage tank. In contrast, indirect circulation systems use a heat exchanger to transfer heat from the solar collector to the water in the storage tank.
Solar energy products have the potential to make our world more sustainable and environmentally friendly. With an ever-increasing demand for energy and a pressing need to reduce our carbon footprint. Solar energy provides a clean, renewable, and dependable source of power that can meet our energy needs. As well as protect the environment.
Solar energy products, such as solar panels, and solar-powered lights, have advanced in efficiency, affordability, and accessibility. So, this makes it easier for individuals and businesses to adopt renewable energy solutions.